The OECD Guidelines and human rights defenders

Are you or your community being intimidated, harassed, threatened, or otherwise harmed for opposing a development or business activity? Whether the harm comes from a business, government, or other group, the OECD Guidelines may help…

The OECD Guidelines and the environment

Is your environment being polluted or damaged by business activity? Are you or fellow community members facing health or social problems from a company’s environmental harms? The OECD Guidelines may help you fight for a…

The OECD Guidelines and complaints

Are you seeking accountability or remedy for a company’s harms to your community or environment? Do you want the public to be aware of the irresponsible business conduct you are experiencing? Are you trying to…

The OECD Guidelines and stakeholder engagement

Are you struggling to engage with a company that is or may cause harm to your human rights, community, or environment? The OECD Guidelines may help you achieve meaningful engagement. What the OECD Guidelines say…

The OECD Guidelines and taxation

Is your local community suffering because of inadequate public infrastructure like good schools, hospitals, and roads? Big companies operating in your country may be avoiding fair tax payments to your government. If so, the OECD…

Stage two: Preparing and filing the complaint

Once you have decided to file a National Contact Point (NCP) complaint, follow the steps below to make sure it is as effective as possible in helping you achieve your goals. Quick jump: Step 1:…

NCP Evaluations Analysis

The OECD Watch NCP Evaluations assess NCPs on 40 organisational, procedural, and communications key performance indicators. The indicators represent civil society’s priorities for well-functioning NCPs and are all based in (required or allowed by) the…