Date filed
10 September 2024
Countries of harm
Current status


On 10 September 2024, the Indonesian community organisation ‘Caring Work Group on Work Strike in The Environment of PT Freeport Indonesia Papua – Timika – Jayapura – Jakarta’ filed a complaint against mining company Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (FCX) to the US NCP. The complaint focuses on FCX’s Indonesian subsidiary (PT Freeport Indonesia) and its links to workers’ and health rights harms. The complainant alleges that in 2017 over 3,000 Indonesian workers were dismissed from their employment for organising a strike permitted under Indonesian law, and that these dismissals have affected workers’ right to health due to lack of medical care. There is still no clarity on workers’ employment status and they have not received wages the complainant alleges is owed to them.

The complainants request for the NCP to offer its good offices to the parties to resolve the employment and other issues raised, including by fulfilling workers’ rights to wages and health insurance.

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