Date filed
3 September 2021
Countries of harm
Current status


On 3 September 2021, Justicia y Reparación filed a complaint on behalf of affected individuals against an Australian mining company. The complaint concerned human rights and environmental impacts from mining operations in Chile.

Relevant OECD Guidelines


On 23 March 2023, NCP Australia published its final statement, in which the NCP noted that in August 2022, towards the end of the initial assessment process, the parties informed the NCP that they were in discussions about the issues raised in the complaint, and requested the case to be temporarily suspended for that engagement to occur outside the NCP process. The complaint was suspended. In October 2022, the  parties informed the NCP that positive progress had been achieved through in-country discussions. The complainants indicated that they wished to withdraw the complaint and did not want the (draft) initial assessment to be published. The NCP ensured that no ‘undue pressure or repercussions’ had arisen as a result of filing the complaint with the NCP, and the case was closed.

More details

Company in violation
Affected people
Other NCP's where the complaint was filed
Date rejected / concluded
23 March 2023
