Date filed
9 August 2024
Countries of harm
Current status


On 9 August 2024, Lumière Synergie pour le Développement and the Association des pêcheurs artisanaux de la Langue de Barbarie “Gaalou Guett” announced that they had filed a complaint against BP and Kosmos Energy at the UK and USA NCPs respectively. The complaint concerns activities of BP and Kosmos Energy in Senegal related to their Great Tortue Ahmeyim Project.

The complainants allege that the companies have breached Chapters II (General Policies), IV (Human Rights) and VI (Environment) of the OECD Guidelines by failing to conduct due diligence on the impacts of the Project, which the complainants argue has led to harmful impacts on the communities of the Langue de Barbarie including on the livelihood of artisanal fishermen. They allege that the companies have failed to engage in dialogue with the fishermen and to remediate the impacts.

The complainants are asking the companies to comply with the OECD Guidelines and to engage in dialogue with the fishermen.

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