The OECD Watch National Contact Point (NCP) evaluations project seeks to encourage improvements at individual NCPs and within the NCP system as a whole.

By identifying 38 key performance indicators and evaluating individual NCPs against them, we can highlight both best practices and identify performance gaps. These evaluations provide objective information on NCP organisation and functioning for civil society and other stakeholders without ranking or scoring NCPs.

Development of key performance indicators

During 2017 – 2020, OECD Watch developed 40 key performance indicators through consultation with OECD Watch network members, union partners, the OECD Secretariat, and NCPs. These indicators were used to assess individual NCPs in 2019 and 2021.

The indicators reflect civil society priorities in understanding how each NCP handles complaints, is organised, and communicates about its work. Each indicator is categorised as “expected”, “recommended”, or “permitted”, based on the OECD Guidelines’ Procedural Guidance. While many indicators assess whether an NCP meets the clear expectations and recommendations in the Procedural Guidance, those labelled as “permitted” go beyond these but are still permitted by the broad framing of the Guidelines. These indicators reflect the priorities of civil society based on analysis of complaints handling mechanisms and, in OECD Watch’s view, represent best practice among NCPs. For each indicator, we have referenced the text in the Guidelines that sets out the expectation, recommendation, or associated language that permits the indicator.

Changes to key performance indicators in 2024

In June 2023, the OECD Guidelines were updated, and new text was added to the Procedural Guidance. Consequently, in 2024, OECD Watch updated its key performance criteria to reflect new requirements and recommendations for NCPs, as well as update or remove indicators based on the priorities of civil society. Network members, union partners, the OECD Secretariat, and NCPs were consulted about the updated indicators and given opportunities to provide feedback. You can read more about some of the changes made in this blog.

The update resulted in the list of indicators being reduced to 38 in total. Thirteen indicators were either removed or incorporated into another indicator, either because they were no longer a priority for civil society or because there was limited reason to continue assessing them individually. Eleven indicators were updated to include additional information or criteria, while eleven remained unchanged. Fifteen new indicators were added to reflect updates to the Procedural Guidance and changing priorities of civil society.

Download this document to see the full list of indicators, including explanations on how NCPs can score, their importance to civil society, and a reference to the Procedural Guidance.

Evaluations of individual NCPs

OECD Watch last evaluated individual NCPs in 2021 and the information on performance across indicators and for individual NCPs is available on our website.

In 2024, OECD Watch will use the updated indicators to evaluate individual NCPs. Data will be drawn from individual NCPs’ websites, peer reviews, annual reports, case handling procedures, and the OECD Watch case database. For each indicator, an NCP can score either “yes” or “no” based on publicly available information. For some indicators, a “partial” score can be given where an NCP satisfies some but not all of the indicator’s requirements.

Many of the indicators assess both the practical application, i.e. when handling complaints, as well as formal commitments in case-handling procedures or other relevant policies. For assessments of practice, we will review cases from the last five years. If the indicator is based on text included in the June 2023 Guidelines update, we will review cases from June 2023 onwards. If the NCP has not handled any cases, we will assess commitments made in case handling procedures and other relevant policies.

NCPs will have the opportunity to review and correct their individual evaluations and provide comments. The OECD Secretariat and civil society engaged with their country’s NCP will also be invited to review and comment on the evaluations. OECD Watch will consider this feedback and may make corrections or edits to individual evaluations.

Updating evaluations and indicators

NCPs are encouraged to inform OECD Watch when any changes are made within the NCP that may affect their evaluation. OECD Watch is committed to updating the web pages in a timely manner to provide the most accurate, up-to-date information possible.