March 2020

Joint Statement

The three institutional stakeholders to the OECD Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct, Business at OECD (BIAC), Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) and OECD Watch, jointly offer their support for the statement of the Working Party dated 13 March 2020 expressing deep concern regarding alleged incidents of pressure on some applicants submitting a specific instance to National Contact Points (NCPs). We reiterate the importance of a well-functioning NCP system. Pressuring submitters clearly undermines the functioning of the NCP system and the effectiveness of the Guidelines. There is strong agreement among the institutional stakeholders that no submitter filing a specific instance with an NCP should face repercussions for doing so. We urge the OECD Working Party to keep this issue on its agenda and stand ready to contribute constructively to future discussions.

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publication cover - OECD Watch, BIAC and TUAC Joint Statement Against Reprisals