OECD Watch public seminar in Cambodia, 8 May 2015

OECD Watch and Equitable Cambodia are pleased to invite you to the
public seminar Promoting Responsible Corporate Conduct in the Greater Mekong region: Using the OECD Guidelines for Multinational
Enterprises as a tool for corporate accountability, held 8 May 2015 in Phnom Penh.

OECD Watch public seminar in Cambodia, 8 May 2015


Date, time: 8 May 2015, 9:00 – 17:30
Location: Khmer Surin, House #9, Street 57, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Responsible corporate conduct is essential for all aspects of sustainable development and
establishing a fair and equitable economy. Yet irresponsible business practices continue to be
widespread, and business activity frequently has adverse social and environmental impacts. Those
affected by such practices often struggle to hold corporate actors accountable for their impacts.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a unique, government-backed international corporate accountability mechanism aimed at encouraging responsible business behaviour around the world. The OECD Guidelines are equipped with a non-judicial complaint mechanism, which makes them one of the few state-based, internationally-applicable mechanisms available for resolving disputes between corporations and the individuals, workers, or communities affected by corporate misconduct.

The seminar will provide participants with an introduction to the the standards outlined in the OECD Guidelines and the associated complaint mechanism. Focus will be placed on providing practical information for a wide-range of stakeholders – including civil society,  government, and business – on how the OECD Guidelines can be used to promote responsible business conduct and improve corporate accountability. The seminar will specifically look at how the OECD Guidelines can be applied within Cambodia and the Greater Mekong region and will include thematic issues important to the regions such as land tenure/governance and hydropower. Participants will include experts in both the thematic areas as well as the procedural elements of applying the OECD Guidelines, and plenty of time will be provided for questions and discussion among all participants.

For more information about the seminar and the programme see the flyer below. Participation in the seminar is free of charge. For registrations please send an email to OECD Watch at [email protected]

Flyer OECD Guidelines public seminar 8 May 2015